Collaboration University – Chicago

It was a busy week in Chicago for Collaboration University.  I presented two sessions, one on Installing & Configuring Lotus Connections 2.5, and the second Stuart McIntytre’s session on Customizing Lotus Connections.   I am pretty excited about the level of interest in Lotus Connections that I experienced at CU this year, there was lots of good discussion and questions both during the sessions and afterwards.  Great to see so many people working with Connections. While I went to CU to present on Connections I also found the time to sit in on some of the other sessions, and as always walked away with a few good tips that will make my life easier back in my day job… and that is really what Collaboration University is all about – practical hands on  knowledge you can take home and use. This wraps up Collaboration University for me, but most of the Collab U team is on their way to London to do it all over again next week for another audience.  Stuart McIntyre will represent Lotus Connections at CU London, and while I have my serious doubts about his ability to get the Brooklyn accent down, I know he will do a terrific job with the sessions.

3 Responses to Collaboration University – Chicago
  1. Brion goudreau
    September 17, 2009 | 9:22 pm

    Mitch you did an awesome job. Thanks again for sharing your experiences.

  2. Stuart McIntyre
    September 18, 2009 | 5:00 am

    Looking forward to it, Mitch! I have the Giants cap all ready, and am practicing the drawl as we speak Emoticon

  3. Rob Novak
    September 18, 2009 | 6:31 pm

    But Stuart, will you end with Mitch’s signature slide???

    PLEASE ask him for it…
