The Indisputably Correct Spelling of Chanukah

Updated: On the other hand never mind, the spelling of Chanukah will always be disputed see below.

It’s the source of great debate, and lots of humor how exactly does one spell Chanukah?













To settle this once and for all I present to you the indisputably correct spelling of Chanukah (to be read from right to left).


Almost immediately after hitting publish I got an e-mail from my father stating “I don’t agree” with this spelling, I guess there is now one way to spell Chanukah in english or hebrew.




Chanukah FAQ

Happy Chanukah!

3 Responses to The Indisputably Correct Spelling of Chanukah
  1. Keith Brooks
    December 21, 2011 | 10:26 am

    What no sufganiyot pictures? Happy Chanukah to you all.

  2. Anna
    December 21, 2011 | 11:39 am

    Thank you for this – I keep trying to explain to my kids why the different spellings and this should do the trick.

    Though like Keith, I could probably just give them a doughnut and they would take that as an ok explanation as well!

    Chag Sameach!

  3. David Schaffer
    December 21, 2011 | 1:02 pm

    I forwarded the post to my rabbi, Norman Koch, who replied: I am glad to see that somebody finally got it right; chet-nun-kaf-hay is indeed, indisputably, eternally, the one and only, absolute, and God sanctioned way to spell the name of this pesky but determined little holiday.