Category Archives: IC14

Slides for SHOW304: How to Create a Perfect Profile: A Hitchiker’s Guide to A Smarter Workforce

Chris Whisonant and I had fun preparing and presenting this one together at IBM Connect 2014.  If you are using IBM Connections this should help you get even more out of Profiles

IBM Connect 2014 By the Numbers

Here is a quick look back at IBM Connect 2014 by the numbers


I felt like I did not take that many pictures this year, as I left the big camera behind most of the time and stuck with my phone, at the end of the week I somehow ended up with  2251 pictures between my phone and camera.

Here is my Flickr Collection for IBM Connect 2014


Everyone knows you walk, and walk, and walk at IBM Connect here were my Steps per day as tracked by my Fitbit One

Sunday – 18,428

Monday – 19,384

Tuesday – 24,298

Wednesday – 19,738

Thursday – 23,228

5 day Total – 105,076


When this slide was shown on screen at the Closing General Session more than one person remarked “and that was just Mitch”

It wasn’t all me, but I guess I did my fair share of tweeting with 459 tweets over five days

Sunday – 105

Monday – 141

Tuesday – 114

Wednesday – 34

Thursday – 65

Ice Cream

It was suggested to me that no numerical wrap up of IBM Connect would be complete with out a total on Ice Cream consumption.   I can’t put an exact total on it but I can tell you that Chris Whisonant and I (along with various others) visited Beaches and Cream for Ice Cream at least 5 times during IBM Connect.

Much to Chris’s disappointment we did not order the Kitchen Sink

The 2014 Lotusphere Closing Ceremony

Yes it is called IBM Connect now, and the Closing General Session wraps up around 4:30 in the afternoon, but the true closing session takes place many hours later when Mat Newman finally removes his badge (well has his badge removed).  The honor this year was given to Amanda Bauman.

The 2013 Lotusphere Closing Ceremony

Live Blog: IBM Connect 2014 Opening General Session

Thanks for joining me for Live Coverage of the IBM Connect OGS feel free to leave a comment on the post or in the live feed.  For a live stream of the event Click here.

Live Blogging at IBM Connect

I will be live blogging (or at least trying) once again from IBM Connect.   For now I plan on live blogging 2 sessions, though I might add more later on.

Monday January 27th 7:45 AM IBM Connect 2014 Opening General Session

Thursday January 30th 11:15 AM Ask the Product Managers

My full blogging and speaking schedule is available on my IBM Connect 2014 page, and visit the IBM Connect Livestream page for live coverage

How to add IBM Connect 2014 Online to the IBM Connections Mobile App

For those attending IBM Connect 2014 you should have already received your credentials to the Connect 2014 online site, which in large part is powered by IBM Connections.  If you want to use the IBM Connections Mobile App (Android, iOS) it can be easily configured as follows.

Add a new account and select

“My company’s server’

2014-01-13 15.08.10










Next use the this URL “” along with the credentials you should have received from IBM.

2014-01-13 15.10.06










Simple as that you now have access to the Connect 2014 Connections environment on the go.

Speaking at IBM Connect 2014

a.k.a Lotusphere

I am looking forward to warm weather in Orlando a few short weeks from now, and looking forward to speaking twice at IBM Connect 2014

First on Monday a Show and Tell session with Chris Whisonant 

SHOW304 : How to Create a Perfect Profile: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to A Smarter Workforce
Date/Time : Mon, 27/Jan, 02:00 PM-03:45 PM
Room : Swan-Osprey 1 & 2

Profiles are the centerpiece of IBM Connections and your social business. IBM Connections ships with scripts to connect to your LDAP Directory. However, most organizations also need to integrate HR data to build complete profiles and reporting structure.

In this session we will teach you step-by-step how to add custom fields to your Profiles configuration, and how to populate data from multiple sources including LDAP and HR systems.

On Wednesday I will be presenting in the Best Practices track

BP311 : Sunny Days, (Smart)Cloud-y Users
Date/Time : Wed, 29/Jan, 05:30 PM-06:30 PM
Room : Dolphin-S. Hem IV-V

Learn how you can leverage the data in your existing on-premises or cloud systems (LDAP, Profiles, Active Directory, and others) to automatically provision users in IBM Smart Cloud for Social Business. This session will provide a basic introduction to Tivoli Directory Integrator, and how to connect to multiple data sources to create users in IBM SmartCloud.

We will cover user the automation of user creation, changes, and deletions, as well as explain different enrollment and log in methods available to your users.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Orlando in a few weeks.

Dilbert Goes To Lotusphere

Yes I know it is IBM Connect now, but I liked the sound of “Dilbert Goes to Lotusphere” I am a huge Dilbert fan and super excited about this


Hat Tip Salvador Gallardo who spotted this on the IBM Social Business Facebook Page