In Boston for two events this week

Last week I had to turn down an invite to the Notes/Domino software design review, in Westford. I would have loved to have been there, but the timing was not good, the event took place on Thursday and Friday, and Yom Kippur began Friday at sundown making the travel logistics impossible.  I made it to Boston for two events this week, today is the kickoff of the Lotus Connections Customer Community, where detailed plans for Connections 2.0 will be presented.  The Connections Blog has a post and screen shots of some of the features that were being shown at the Lotus Collaboration Summit last week. On Monday evening the IBM Global Customer Partnership Council meeting kicks off, while the council holds monthly virtual meetings, this is the annual face to face meeting of the council.  The GCPC event runs through Thursday, but I will be heading home Wednesday for the holiday of Sukkot which begins at sundown Wednesday evening.

2 Responses to In Boston for two events this week
  1. Nathan T. Freeman
    September 24, 2007 | 10:49 am

    I need to find out if the Design Partner and GCPC NDAs overlap. Emoticon

  2. Merry Morse
    October 2, 2007 | 1:51 pm

    The Design partner and GCPC NDAs are identical. In most cases now, there will be one umbrella NDA (called and AECI) for any event between IBM and that company for the duration of the AECI. So, I guess you can talk! Emoticon