Blackberry 8830 Verizon World Edition

After going almost a month without my Blackberry in preparation for my trip to Dublin I upgraded to the Verizon Blackberry 8830  World Edition since my Windows Mobile device does not have an international service plan.  This is my first Blackberry with the trackball on the front, instead of the wheel on the side for navigation and it has been a bit of an adjustment.  I got the device the day before I left so I have been installing software as I go along, so far I have added my gmail, yak-on for aim/icq, Google Talk and a beta of the Sametime 8 Blackberry client. The one thing that drove me crazy this week was the flashing LED on the blackberry, I have never quite bothered to figure out the logic of when a blackberry flashed a particular color, and usually when I am on the road I just throw a towel over it at night to cover up the flashing all night  The hotel we stayed in had no clock in the room so I needed to use my Blackberry as my alarm clock (I don’t wear a watch).  So I turned off all LED Flashing in my profile, yet I continued to have green and blue flashing at me all night.   After a little digging I discovered blue indicated a blue tooth connection, that was easy enough to solve by turning off my blue tooth headset at night.  The green took a little more digging, green indicates you have network coverage, and finally under the options for Screen/Keyboard I was able to turn it off. A picture named M2 Other then that  the network coverage was great in Dublin, and the phone is definitely better quality then any of my previous Blackberries. Next week it will be back to testing Lotus Traveler as Domino 8.0.1 Beta 1 has shipped and it included Traveler Beta 2 so I will be upgrading my Traveler Server and Mobile Client next week.

5 Responses to Blackberry 8830 Verizon World Edition
  1. Stuart McIntyre
    November 16, 2007 | 5:51 am

    You might also want to set your BB to automatically turn off between say 11pm and 7am to avoid the flashing lights etc. Also worth noting is that even if the BB is off an alarm will wake it up at the appropriate time and sound the alarm, even if the profile is set to Quiet.

    They’ve really thought this through!

  2. Doug
    July 7, 2008 | 9:36 am

    Thanks Mitch!

    Turning off the green flashing light is instant relief from near insanity.


  3. Daniel
    August 29, 2008 | 4:32 pm

    I found your site after trying to figure out how to turn off the green light on my 8830. Thanks for the tip.

  4. glenn
    March 23, 2009 | 3:29 pm

    Thank you sir. This resolved my problem.

  5. Lia
    June 30, 2009 | 8:01 pm

    Hi I want to know how to turn off the keyboard backlight, it makes it harder for me to read. I have a Blackberry 8830. Can anyone help?