It's Broken

The doctor finally called this morning with the MRI results telling me what I have known for a week already, my scaphoid is broken.  I have the following choices now, the first is to let them put a cast on, the cast they want to put on would look like this A picture named M2 and be on for 8 weeks minimum. The other option surgery where they will put a screw in the bone,, this would leave me with a splint similar to what I have had for the last week, and physical therapy on the hand. Decision coming soon.

3 Responses to It's Broken
  1. carl tyler
    February 20, 2008 | 10:06 pm

    Or as I had mentioned before it could be chopped off.Emoticon

  2. arthur
    February 21, 2008 | 1:27 pm

    get well soon

  3. dan
    February 22, 2008 | 1:11 am

    Nice work. Can I assume this is why you were attempting to IM me the other night?

    You know, most normal people would’ve found a non-medical way of celebrating the Giants win.