Technote 7011798 Detailed system requirements – Lotus Connections 2.0 beta I have to go through this in a little more detail, and it is beta so I would expect it will change a little before 2.0 ships, overall I don’t see too many changes from the 1.0.2 requirements. There is a new feature listed named Homepage, but no details on that yet, though I am guessing it will be similar to other features and will require a database and some disk space. It also includes the Wilki support announced at Lotusphere (though Quickr is not listed ? ) The only thing I don’t see changed that I am hoping for is the supported version of TDI, with being listed not 6.1.1, hopefully this will change before the product ships.
Rob, as best I know it is not required, rather as you say supported if you want to integrate wiki functionality in Connections. I was just surprised Quickr was not on the list.
Yeah, they announced Quickr integration at Sphere.
The latest current release of Socialtext is… { Link }
So it sounds like Socialtext has some work to do as well. I hope to have a writeup about integrating Socialtext with Domino LDAP, but I’m working through that currently…
Mitch was this required for 1.02?:
Wiki software Socialtext, Confluence 2.7
P.S. The reason I asked – they announced support, but this is listed as a requirement (not Optional like some of the other software requirements)
Rob, as best I know it is not required, rather as you say supported if you want to integrate wiki functionality in Connections. I was just surprised Quickr was not on the list.
Yeah, they announced Quickr integration at Sphere.
The latest current release of Socialtext is… { Link }
So it sounds like Socialtext has some work to do as well. I hope to have a writeup about integrating Socialtext with Domino LDAP, but I’m working through that currently…