For a while now I have been working with both Lotus and Tivoli products that interact with each other, specifically Tivoli monitoring for Domino, and Tivoli Storage Manager TDP. On more then one occasion a Domino server crash has been attributed to a Tivoli process, but that is not the part that drives me crazy. What gets me is when Lotus support refers to a Tivoli application as a “third party application”. So this morning I was doing some work in TiVoli Directory Integrator (TDI) and discovered it works both ways. While looking around at the various connectors supported here is what I found
I believe the problem is that IBM is very large and their Software Group has a lot of Applications. Since you buy your support contracts separately, and have to contact support per application, then it would be correct to say that Tivoli is a third party software to Lotus and vice versa.
This grouping of TDI jar files, and the names of the various directories, was only done to keep these organized, as well as to separate those that we in the TDI dev team are directly responsible for from those that we “borrow” from other IBM products – like the DB2 drivers. No statement of affiliation (or otherwise)
intended 🙂