How do you know when a mail file is too big?

Generally when you find this on your server you know someone has gotten our of control with their mail file (please note this is NOT my mail file)

[1446098:00002-00001] 151 Retry(41) NRPC [$LocalDelivery] mail/xxxxxx.nsf [1446098:00002-00001] Last error: Database (.nsf) has grown too large; use compact to reduce the file size or use File New Replica to recreate your file with larger capacity. The mail file in question was 64GB which is the maximum size  for an NSF file. Some helpful suggestions received included -Delete the view index, compact then archive -Delete the view index – shoot the user -shoot the user
3 Responses to How do you know when a mail file is too big?
  1. Chris Whisonant
    June 16, 2010 | 11:05 am

    I’ve seen this happen before with a symantec log db and it stopped all mail from routing since it couldn’t write out to the SAV log. Emoticon

  2. Patrick Picard
    June 16, 2010 | 12:40 pm

    DAOS to the rescue…..after pulling the shotgun to the user

  3. Rob Novak
    June 25, 2010 | 6:07 pm

    Solution 2.5 or 3, unless they are the CEO or in the art department, in which case they don’t know any better.