2011 By The Numbers

You should all know by now I don’t write end of year recaps, instead I once again present a recap of the year in numbers.


Once again blogging remained consistent from year to year, the numbers skew a little differently with Lotusphere split between January and February in 2011, but overall no big changes in numbers here.  I covered a more diverse range of topics on the blog this year, a trend that should continue in 2012.


Blog by Month 2010-2011

Blog by Year 2010-2011


For the second year in a row Twitter use has grown dramatically, I definitely participated in more conversation on Twitter not simply broadcasting information which was a factor in the increase in numbers.  The numbers always go up in the fall with all the NFL and Giants related tweets on Sundays.


Tweets by Month 2010-2011

Tweets by Year 2010-2011

Twitter statistics provided by Tweetstats


I didn’t really think I took fewer pictures this year, but the numbers don’t lie. They don’t really matter all that much either, so I will just move on.

Photos Taken by Month 2010-2011

Photos Taken by Year 2010-2011

Amazon Orders

A new category makes it in to the roundup this year, mainly because I just discovered you can see your Amazon purchase history by year, all the way back to your first Amazon order (2002 for me).  I definitely find myself using Amazon more out of convenience, as well as for Subscribe and Save items.


Amazon Orders by Year 2010-2011

Emergency Room Visits

I used to call this category “hospital visits”, but I don’t even want to think about how many times this year I was in good old St. Barnabas Medical Center this past year.  I have renamed the category “Emergency Room Visits” and we managed 3 of those this year all for the kids. Abe racked up two visits, one for croup cough in April and another for severe stomach pain at 2:30 AM (which turned out to be nothing).  Jack managed one visit for a Febrile Seizure.  Of all the numbers presented here this is the only one that matters, and I really hope we reverse this trend in 2012.  I probably should track visits to the pediatrician, I am the Foursquare mayor of our pediatricians office, and according to Foursquare I was there 13 times this past year.  That of course does not includes visits where I forgot to check in (it happens) and the times my wife took the kids to the doctor.


Emergency Room Visits by Year 2010-2011

Wrapping Up

2011 will always be defined by this one event which shaped the latter half of the year and will carry over in to the first part of 2012.  2011 will never be the year we look back on and remember fondly, but what we will always remember is the incredible support we received from family and friends (near and far) in every imaginable way. You can’t put a number on that.

Goodbye and good riddance to 2011…… bring on 2012

2010 by the Numbers

2009 by the Numbers

2008 by the Numbers

All charts created using the Google Chart API

One Response to 2011 By The Numbers
  1. Thomas Duff
    January 2, 2012 | 10:06 am

    And those friends and the support will be there always…