Category Archives: blogging

Upcoming DNS Changes to

Over the next few days I will be changing the nameservers for, as well as a few other minor domain/DNS changes.  None of these changes should have any noticeable impact.  While I believe I have all of the steps mapped out for a seamless cut over, if you see anything broken over the next couple of day please let me know. Thanks

Happy Second Blogiversary

Where does the time go?  Seems like just yesterday when at the 2007 version of Collaboration University I started blogging,.  Join me for a piece of blogiversary cake, and drop a comment if there is a topic you would like to see me blog about. A picture named M2

Happy first blogiversary

Hard to believe but it has been a year since the launch of this blog, which also means it has been a year since the US version of Collaboration University 2007 where after weeks of procrastinating I finally started blogging.  This is also a good time to remind you to register now for Collaboration University 2008 coming up this September in Chicago and London. In a year I made some friends through my blog, and hopefully along the way imparted some useful information, and have in some way contributed back to the larger Lotus community.  Speaking of the Lotus community if you have not yet read it check out John Roling’s article Collaborating in the Lotus Community. So please enjoy a piece of cake to celebrate the occasion, and I am off to start my second year of blogging. A picture named M2

Things I wanted to blog about today……. but never got to

One day out of touch yesterday seems to have set me back three, but here are things I would have blogged about today if I had time.

Gia Lyons is now blogging publicly, and even better has loaded up her new blog with a lot of content that had previously been posted on her internal IBM blog.  If you don’t know who Gia is, she will tell you all about herself right here.

If you missed it when Adam Gartenberg posted it, you have to watch the You Tube video  “You are so Fired”, it is funny, and makes a great point about IBM’s strategy with Sametime and UC.

Finally in todays Mary Ann from Gilligans Island was caught with drugs in her car, though her laywer claims it was left there by a friend.

Still in the works are posts on: Lotus Connections and Oracle, Connections and TDI, and Cache settings for reporting data in Profiles, though by the look of the week, I don’t know how many will be done before the weekend.

How blog addicted am I?

81%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Welcome to two new bloggers

Welcome to two new bloggers Andy Yiu and Vineet Rohatgi (Vinny), Andy and Vinny both work at IBM in L2 Support.  I have worked many Sametime PMR with them, and done quite a bit of work on the Sametime Gateway with them as well. You also might recognize Andy and Vinny from Lotusphere as they presented HND301 Deploying & Managing the IBM Lotus Sametime Connect Client. Head on over and welcome them to the community.

Declan has an idea for the Blogging Community

Declan is proposing “Forum Friday” for the Lotus Blogging Community

During the Bloggers BOF at Lotusphere there was a discussion on how some people were worried that the topic that they were posting might be considered to be aimed at beginners and would not be of interest to others in the Lotus Blogging Community.

The idea is called ‘Forum Friday’ and it is very easy to take part. All you need to do is go to the DeveloperWorks ( ) website and pick one of the many forums that are available, Have a look through some of the questions and pick one to answer. Write up your answer on you own blog and then reply in the forum with a link to your blog entry.

So head on over and leave a comment volunteering to participate.

Upgraded to Blogsphere 3.0.1 B8a and BBMetablog 1.2.2

Blog has been upgraded to version Blogsphere 3.0.1 B8a, (was running B6 so upgrade was really due) to enable support for BBMetablog 1.2.2.  Test post from blackberry seemed to work fine.  Thanks to Jason Hook for BBMetalblog, and Declan Sciolla-Lynch   for getting out the upgrade to the Blogsphere template.  I also found a new feature I had asked Declan about a while ago in this version which is the ability to add code to the <head> section of the blog via the configuration document, preventing the need to make the change in the code.  This makes Blogsphere upgrades even easier then they are already without worrying about changes to code if you want anything additional in the <head> section, so thanks again Declan. Chris – thanks for being there for the upgrade today.