Category Archives: quickr

Quickr HF3

Quickr HF3 is now available on Fix Central A picture named M2 Fixed in HF3 are A picture named M3 We had just finished testing HF2 in our dev environment and were ready to move it over to production, will have to see if we can quickly test this and move it in at the same time as well.

Quickr HF2, and SNAPPS template support

After the initial confusion over Quickr HF1 I went out to IBM Fix Central  just to make sure I had the right one, and much to my surprise found Quickr HF2 A picture named M2 Here are the FP2 fixes (but the fix is cumulative no need to do FP1 first)

11/07/2007 JASH78KVX4
ILQD08002.SYS2 is missing from
11/07/2007 BACY75HMDZ
Beta – Dates on files copied with the Windows Connector show the wrong create and modified dates
11/07/2007 DYLU77EDKC
Without modify qpconfig.xml, add group to place will cause server crash
11/07/2007 JYYG7648DU
Upgrade from domino7&QP 7 to domino703&QP 8 get error in AIX
11/07/2007 CCLI78G8MB
WebService: Create document via Connector crash Domino AIX only
11/07/2007 JHHO78BEFW
UAT/On-Ramp/ST: the folder open failed
11/07/2007 XZSU74R7P8
(7.0 HOTFIX) Advance Search by author don’t work if access the place via My place
11/07/2007 RELS77DQUM
Cannot change TOC order precisely after upgrade PMR 04947,005,000
11/07/2007 THES769PXE
Cannot move folder into folder  PMR 06859,848,84
11/07/2007 SHYN75VPGL
Quickr Server crash logging from the inline QP porlet
11/07/2007 TKAO772SBA
Moving folder in the Browser UI causes the Connector UI to show nested folders recursively.
11/07/2007 THES779P3T
Columns are misaligned
11/07/2007 ESEO76QPAX
Create button instead of publish button
11/07/2007 THES6N6JAZ
Fonts grow small when upgrade place
11/07/2007 MMOI76BQCT
Server crash – nquickplace.HuWebCache::GenerateHTML ntdll.RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying
11/07/2007 SHYN77FKXU
Buffer Overflow error when click on: What’s new
11/07/2007 RELS77C5FM
Pre-Quickr themes do not display correctly after upgrade

In addition while upgrading the server I went out to the SNAPPS template site, to grab the latest files there as well.  On November 15th they posted the files required to support Quickr   A picture named M3 Depending on the current version of the templates you are running you might just need one file (qp_ajax.js) or if you have an older release you will need to replace the QP Common files and Qengine. On item of note is that by default anonymous places are no longer listed in My Places.  You can change the server to display anonymous places,  this forum post contains the required entry for the qpconfig.xml. Since applying all of the upgrades all appears to be working well, and the server is now compatible with the beta Quickr Connectors for Notes 8.0.1 so I can begin testing those now as well.

More on Quickr HF1

This hotfix seems to have caused much chaos on confusion, Chris has a great post on it. here.  You can also check out this thread in the forums for more info.

Quickr HF1

Quickr HF1 is available on IBM Fix Central. A picture named M2 Looks like it fixes four known SPR

Created SPR
Build #
Problem description
10/25/2007 CCLI77E53A
AIX: WebService long run crash Domino on AIXissues
10/25/2007 BROK77UNT9
Main place (lotusquickrlotusquickr) gets wrong template (h1_meetingroom) when server upgraded
10/25/2007 MLZG77SBVK
After click “Add More…” when create blog entry,user can not publish it.
10/25/2007 JHHO7759YR
UAT/On-Ramp/ST: can’t visit folders in the place.


I finally got around to downloading and installing Quickr, over all a fairly smooth process, and no major issues, just a couple of things to look out for.  The Quickr Info Center has a section on upgrading, but you need to follow the Quickr Readme  for some minor changes to the steps. If you are using the SNAPPS Quickr Templates per Rob, hold off on your upgrade.. Don’t forget to reinstall the Quickr Connectors as there is a new version as well delivered in, though for some odd reason the Connector is labeled A picture named M2 The Connectors now have built in local cache management, so you can keep locally cached files to a minimum, but  it is disabled by default A picture named M3 Quickr Fixlist

REST Services for Quickr

Developerworks has a new article posted today on using REST Services for Quickr

IBM Lotus Quickr makes it easy for users to share business content. An important design principle of Lotus Quickr is to build the application on open interfaces that allow customers and partners to access content where and when they need it — otherwise known as the principle of information on demand. This article focuses on the Lotus Quickr Representational State Transfer (REST) services, including an overview and a simple example of how you can use them. Here we introduce the basic operations you can perform using Quickr REST services; more advanced operations will be explained in a future article.

Quickr 8.0 Hot Fix 15 is now available on Fix Central

Quickr HF 15 is now available on  IBM Fix Central A picture named M2 Here are the fixes in HF15 that are new since HF11 (the HF is cumulative though so you do not need to install HF11 first if you have not done so.

9/19/2007 BACY75WLT9
Date of attached file is wrong when viewed w/ IE if Quickr Server is set to Danish time/date
9/19/2007 XZSU75P9VW
can not restrict user to add comment but not able to create blog entry.
9/19/2007 SORA75WQNS
Calendar invites: ICS file not proc right. Sent as std email with attach – no accept/decline buttons
8/24/2007 JCHU75EAPM
L10N : Create place doesn’t work for French Language
8/24/2007 JSDZ75T9QH
After translation, “Edit” cannot work correctly in wiki page.
8/24/2007 TCHU764JR7
L10N : User management layout problem for DBCS
8/24/2007 TCHU75CAMA
L10N : Translated strings “Click for Page Menu” in nquickplacers.dll, not displayed in UI
8/24/2007 JCHU762G8Y
L10N : Create Custom Theme: action buttons wrap when text too long
8/15/2007 N/A
Fixes layout alignment issue when customizing forms in a non-English install.
8/15/2007 RTIN75NGK2
Quickr sending sensitive information to browser
8/15/2007 RELS75G33F
Quickr crashes while authenticating

There is still no HF Installer, it is still a manual process of copying files, this one is 20 files across 7 directories.

Quickr 8.0 Hot Fix 11 is available

I have not seen any Technotes yet, but HF11 for Quickr is now available on IBM Fix Central hf11.jpg For those of you who have installed the previous hotfix, don’t worry you still have to manually copy a bunch of files, still no installer. Fix list is in the readme, looks like this fix is mainly fixes to some issues in the Blog and Wiki Templates, but it is a consolidated hot fix so it includes all previous fixes.

Some updates on Sametime and Quickr

A couple of updates on some previous posts 1. The Sametime Gateway and the mystery of the red icon this is now officially fixed in 7.5.1 CF1 SPR #MALN74YLF4. CF1 should be out any day. 2. Quickr Connector bug after applying the update (available at IBM Fix Central) there is now an error meessage when a user with reader access tries to upload a file: readeronly.png While this is better then nothing, not sure this is what I want my users to see, have submitted an enhancement request for a clearer error message. 3. Sametime awareness in Quickr last week when I set this up I found that when using Firefox, the “In a Meeting” status which is new in Sametime 7.5 was not working. With some help from Carl was able to figure this one out. When using IE the STlinks applets are launched directly off of the Sametime server, but when using Firefox the applets are launched from the Quickr Server itself. Quickr ships with an older version of STLinks, to fix I copied the STlinks directory from my Sametime server to my Quickr server (STLinks is in the Domino Data directory in dominohtmlsametime). After copying the STLinks directory you then need to replace the stlinksstlinks.jar with the one in the stlinkssigned directory, since Firefox will only run the signed applet. Finally I had to clear my browser cache since it had cached the applet that was originally on the server.

Sametime awareness in Quickr

On the list of things to do today was to turn on presence awareness in Quickr today, conveniently in addition to the notes I took down at Collaboration University last week, Paul Mooney posted the sequence of events this morning from the London version of CU. The steps are pretty straightforward as listed by Paul or you can use the Documentation, and it did not take long to get it up and running, and while it works, it is not with out a few quirks. First I am using the Sametime client that is embedded in Notes 8 as my Sametime client, and in the build I am using (a later build then Beta 3) the Client ID of Sametime is wrong, as a result the Sametime server is sending all of my incoming chats to STlinks, and not my 7.5.1 client. After a few months of using a 7.5.x client using STLinks is really not pretty (assuming it ever was) ST Links javaconnect.png. Sametime 7.5.1 st751.png The second quirk is that the STlinks has no awareness of the “In a Meeting” status which is new in Sametime 7.5, if you go to change your status you are presented with these options setstatus.png However if you go into a 7.5.1 client and set your status to “In a Meeting” STlinks has no icon to present your status so it spells it out inameet.png which really does not look good. So at the end, awareness is working, but certainly a few quirks that need to be worked out. Will play with it more tomorrow, and then decide when to implement on the server that a handful of pilot users are working on for some additional testing.