Tag Archive: ls11

Great Quote on Leadership

@belgort presenting at JMP206

Lotusphere 2011 Part 1 getting there getting set #LS11

Thursday 6 AM I find out that my 6:30 AM flight out of Newark is cancelled

Thursday 10 AM I get myself on a 6:45 AM flight out of La Guardia airport

Friday 3:45 AM awake and ready to travel

Friday 4:15 AM depart for airport

Friday 5:15 AM at LGA bags checked and through security (amazing that travel and security done in less then an hour even at that early hour)

Friday 5:30 AM chance meeting with a Lotus exec who was on my flight, interesting conversation about IBM/Lotus to kick off my Lotusphere week

Friday 6:45 AM on time departure

Friday 9:30 AM early arrival

Friday 11:00 AM arrive at Yacht club, 5 minutes of panic when they could not find my reservation, eventually they found it….. and the feeling bad they found me a room as close to the Dolphin as you could be ( if you are like me and prefer the Yacht Club)

Friday 12:00 PM Dolphin Rotunda is already full of Lotii ready for Lotusphere

Remainder of the day errands, and picking up supplies for the week

Saturday – lots of rest and sleep recovering from the hectic week before Lotusphere, and preparing for the week ahead

Saturday night ESPN, Kimonos, Dolphin Bar, catching up and saying hi to people, relatively early end to the night back in my room by 12:30 (pacing myself for the week)

An interesting start to my week, panicking over a cancelled flight, panicking over a missing hotel reservation both of which worked out well in the end, hopefully a good sign for the rest of the week.

Remember to check my Lotusphere Page for the live blog schedule starting with the OGS at 8 AM tomorrow (Monday).

My Prediction for OGS Guest Speaker #LS11

It used to be so easy, just guess Shatner, that was until to the delight of many, he actually was the guest speaker at the 2010 OGS. One could guess Leonard Nimoy with the whole Vulcan theme, but I am not a Trekkie, and I don’t think it will be Nimoy.

So my prediction is Mark Zuckerberg. Regardless if you love Facebook, hate Facebook, spend your whole life on Facebook, or wouldn’t create an account on Facebook, you have to admit that Facebook has had a major impact.

For a conference with a theme of “Get Social, Do Business”, let’s face it a lot of Social activity is taking place on Facebook, and increasingly more businesses are setting up shop on Facebook, I think Mark Zuckerberg could bring an interesting perspective to kick off the OGS on Monday morning.

I can think of many reasons why IBM would not bring in Zuckerberg as a guest speaker, but it’s my guess anyway. Do you have a guess? Leave a comment.

Alarm is set for flight to Lotusphere yes that is AM


Live Blogging Plans for Lotusphere 2011

As in the past few years I plan on live blogging the OGS, Keynotes, and other sessions from Lotusphere.  This year I am teaming up with Luis Benitez and together we will provide coverage, commentary, and photos live from the OGS and Keynotes.

The full schedule, and all the details how to find and follow me are on my dedicated Lotusphere 2011 page which also includes other Lotusphere resources, be sure to check it out.  I will be adding more live blog sessions to the list as I get my schedule sorted out further.

The OGS will also be Live Streamed this year so you can watch it live.

Lotusphere 2011 on Curiousmitch

Win a Kindle from GSX at Lotusphere 2011


My friends at GSX are giving away two three Kindles at Lotusphere.  Stop by their booth to learn about their great line of products, and register for your chance to win one of two Kindles in their booth giveaway contest.


GSX has also generously donated a third kindle as a prize for the Blogger Open, so if you have not registered yet, what are you waiting for? Wrap up Lotusphere with some fun and prizes.

Images of the Swan and Dolphin in Google Earth

I am a bit addicted to Google Earth, actually it is helpful at times especially the street views when you are headed somewhere for the first time, or sometimes just to get a different perspective on different places you have been.  Google Earth also has historical imagery allowing you to see not only the current published image, but previous ones as well.

A while ago I was playing with historical imagery and captured these images of the Swan and Dolphin taken between February 1994, and May 2010.  You can also see how Google Earth imagery has improved over time.

[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157625748961365″]

Click on each photo for a larger view or visit the entire set on Flickr.

I would rather look outside and see this than snow

One more week!


I am Speedgeeking at Lotusphere

My wife already laughed at me when I told her I was “Speedgeeking” at Lotusphere, I am waiting the comments that are sure to follow from some of my friends outside of the Lotus Community.

For those of you who will be there I am happy to be participating  in Speedgeeking this year.  For those not familiar here is the description of Speedgeeking:

“It all started here years ago at Lotusphere, and it’s a condensed, immersive and rowdy approach to hearing from some of the best and brightest and a wildly popular approach to learning about the tips, techniques (and sometimes crazy) ideas that they have been working on. Participants will migrate as a group around the room from one 5-minute demo station to the next, while stopwatches, buzzers and a loud-mouthed emcee keeps things fast-paced and on track!”

My topic is “Managed Replicas” one of the new features in Notes/Domino 8.5.2. I know Darren Duke is touching on this subject (and much more) during his Show and Tell session, but if you are looking for the 5 min pitch on Managed Replicas stop by and see me at Speedgeeking.

Speedgeeking Details

Who: 12 presenters, 1 Master of Ceremonies, and as many attendees the fire marshal will allow in the space

What: 12 great tips (and apparently some drinking might be involved too)

Where: Dolphin Pacific Hall

When: Tuesday February 1, 2011 6:00 PM- 7:30 PM

Why: Why Not?