Tag Archive: replytoall

Use With Extreme Caution



I implore you if you feel the need to use the Reply to All button when responding to e-mail,  please do so with extreme caution.  Before clicking Reply to All LOOK at the distribution list and ask yourself if all those people need to see your response.


If you "Reply to All" telling people to "Stop replying to all" you are part of the problem
Sep 14 via TweetDeckFavoriteRetweetReply

Here is one more reminder on the evils of Reply to All.

Rules for using “Reply to All”

Don’t Reply to All (My Favorite Superbowl XLV Commercial)

My Favorite Commercial from Superbowl XLV

Of course if you are using Lotus Notes this is a good reminder about changes thankfully made in Notes 8.0.x and later

@curiousmitch Any good Loti know’s that the Reply All (With Attachments) is no longer the default 🙂Mon Feb 07 00:18:09 via Twitter for Mac