Thanks to the 147 people who took a moment to respond, here are the results. Not surprisingly iPad won in a landslide, with a pretty even split between the iPad 1 and iPad2. I was a little surprised that the Kindle Fire, and the HP Touchpad didn’t bring in higher numbers.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond, there were 78 responses when I closed the poll, I can’t say the results are surprising, with iPad representing the majority of Tablets, for those who responded yes.
I wonder what the “other” tablets are, HP Slate? Maybe a respondant from RIM who has a Playbook?
If you are not bringing one is it because of cost? Waiting for the new Android tablets to ship with Android 3.0? Waiting for iPad2? Or do you think the Tablet market is a passing fad? Kathy also asked a really good question in a comment on the poll, if you are bringing a tablet is it in addition to or instead of a laptop? Drop a comment with an answer to any of these questions.