Tag Archive: yahoo

Webcast on Sametime Client Yahoo Integration

I have previously chronicled Yahoo’s decision to end support for the Sametime Gateway, and the temporary extension of that service from January to June of this year.  Well check your calendar, it is almost June, and the Sametime Gateway will be losing it’s connectivity to Yahoo very soon.

IBM is hosting a webcast to talk about the new client integration for Yahoo.


Technote 7021721: Webcast: IBM Sametime Client Yahoo! Integration feature – 7 June 2011

Sametime Gateway Yahoo Support Extended for Existing Customers

Back in October of last year IBM announced that due to changes made by Yahoo, the Sametime Gatweway would lose support for Yahoo in January 2011.  Today IBM announced a stay of execution for existing customers until mid-year:

“Hello Sametime users!

I am pleased to inform you that IBM has signed an agreement  with Yahoo that will  allow customers  to extend the Sametime connection  to Yahoo through mid 2011. This  is for existing gateway customers, already connected. The replacement will be a Sametime Connect client plug in offering to connect to Yahoo using Yahoo IDs to authenticate. IBM will make this plugin available to existing and new customers. The exact release date this summer is not yet finalized, but our intent is to have this released before the Yahoo Gateway access is removed.

Please refer to the Lotus Sametime Support site for updates on this topic. “

So while Yahoo support is still going away, you have a bit longer.  As for the replacement plugin, that will simply allow you to use your Sametime client to chat on Yahoo IM, but will require you to use a Yahoo ID and Password, this is similar to the AOL Chat integration that was in the Sametime 3.1 (I think that is the version) client.