You can't make this stuff up

Like many of the other people presenting at Lotusphere I am heads down trying to complete my sessions before the submission deadline this Friday.  I was on the phone with one of my co-presenters this afternoon when my phone rang.  I am not sure why I felt the need to answer the phone, but this is how the call went: Caller: Hello Mr. Cohen I am calling on behalf of IBM in regards to Lotusphere 2009, we see you attended in the past, and were wondering if you are interested in attending? Me:  I will be attending, in fact I will be presenting two sessions Caller: I wish they would tell us these things Like I said you can’t make this stuff up

2 Responses to You can't make this stuff up
  1. Bill
    December 1, 2008 | 4:50 pm

    Yeah – I had this from a BP.


    —* Bill

  2. Bruce Elgort
    December 1, 2008 | 8:02 pm

    Yeap – got the same call here from a telemarketer. No biggie – they simply want a large turnout.