What is in your plugin_customization.ini?

If you are not familiar with the plugin_customization.ini file you can find in your <Notes Install>frameworkRPC directory (if you have a stand alone Sametime client you will also have a plugin_customization.ini).

The plugin_customization.ini is an Eclipse feature and is used to control behavior of various Eclipse based setting for the Notes client as well as widget and plugins options. Probably the most well known hack to the plugin_customizaton.ini file is adding the line


This allows plugins to be installed in the client via the File/Application/Install dialog, which is hidden until this is added to the file and the client restarted.

Lately I have been doing some work with Sametime and Connections integration in the Notes client, there are any variety of entries that can be added to plugin_customization.ini to control behavior of various components, for example these entries control Business Card prioritization in 8.5.2.

Another example is if you upgrade your embedded Sametime client to Sametime 8.5.1 it installs both the Sametime 8.5.1 chat client, and the the Sametime 8.5.1 Meeting plugin.  If you wanted to install, but hide the meeting plugin you could do so by adding


to your plugin_customization.ini

The problem is that I can find there is no comprehensive list of supported entries for the plugin_customization.ini, you can find them by product, though where do you look?  Some paramters are documented in the Notes & Domino Infocenter, the Sametime parameters are in the Sametime Info Center, the Connections Parameters, other are in the Lotus Connections Info Center, and some are simply undocumented and are discovered through Design Partner forums or by opening PMR.

All I am asking for is a comprehensive list of settings available for the plugin_customization.ini for all the Lotus Products so we can easily see what options are available with hunting them down from various sources.   If you want to know about pushing settings down to your clients Chris Whisonant has a good blog post on it.

4 Responses to What is in your plugin_customization.ini?
  1. Mark
    September 2, 2010 | 12:46 pm

    Great request.

  2. Tim E. Brown
    September 2, 2010 | 4:39 pm

    I asked sooooo many developers for this in the developers lounge @ LS2010 with no luck 🙁

    I hope you make some progress of getting this combined into one list by product.

    -Tim E. Brown

  3. Pierre Lundqvist
    September 14, 2010 | 4:23 am

    Thanks for taking this up. It is a hefty amount of settings you can do if youre running notes, ST , STAdv, connections etc.

    Not only would you like to disable the meetingshelf, but also the primary contacts, change the emoticons default (for example noone ever writes the dash in between the 🙂 smiley anylonger). etc, the list is long!

    Ive been nagging IBM about this since the release of ST7. Like there were the ST6.5.1 client packager back then, I would like it back together with a plugin_customization.ini modifier in the setup.

  4. luis benitez
    January 21, 2011 | 12:05 pm

    Maybe create a wiki page so that the community can update as we discover these nifty changes ?