Sametime awareness in Quickr

On the list of things to do today was to turn on presence awareness in Quickr today, conveniently in addition to the notes I took down at Collaboration University last week, Paul Mooney posted the sequence of events this morning from the London version of CU. The steps are pretty straightforward as listed by Paul or you can use the Documentation, and it did not take long to get it up and running, and while it works, it is not with out a few quirks. First I am using the Sametime client that is embedded in Notes 8 as my Sametime client, and in the build I am using (a later build then Beta 3) the Client ID of Sametime is wrong, as a result the Sametime server is sending all of my incoming chats to STlinks, and not my 7.5.1 client. After a few months of using a 7.5.x client using STLinks is really not pretty (assuming it ever was) ST Links javaconnect.png. Sametime 7.5.1 st751.png The second quirk is that the STlinks has no awareness of the “In a Meeting” status which is new in Sametime 7.5, if you go to change your status you are presented with these options setstatus.png However if you go into a 7.5.1 client and set your status to “In a Meeting” STlinks has no icon to present your status so it spells it out inameet.png which really does not look good. So at the end, awareness is working, but certainly a few quirks that need to be worked out. Will play with it more tomorrow, and then decide when to implement on the server that a handful of pilot users are working on for some additional testing.

2 Responses to Sametime awareness in Quickr
  1. Carl
    July 20, 2007 | 3:55 am

    Your stlinks is not pointing to a st 7.5.1 server, 7.5.1 knows about in a meeting, has an icon etc.

  2. Mitch Cohen
    July 20, 2007 | 9:12 am

    Carl – I don’t want to argue with the king of stlinks Emoticon , after further investigation this is what I am seeing, in IE STlinks launches off of the Sametime Server and works properly, in FF STlinks launches off of the Quickr server and is not displaying the meeting status (even after replacing the STlinks directory with the one from a 7.5.1 server.