Road Trip

Heading up to Boston for a wedding early Sunday morning.  I believe this is my first trip to Boston not related to IBM or Lotus.  Driving up this morning, and back on Monday.  My wife is not making the trip so it is just Molly (age 4 1/2) and me.   Should be a four hour marathon of “why, why, why” .  Wish me luck.  Don’t forget to spring your clocks ahead and change the batteries in the smoke detectors. A picture named M2 

4 Responses to Road Trip
  1. Carl Tyler
    March 8, 2008 | 8:57 pm

    don’t take the george wasington bridge, carry on up north and take the tapanzee and then saw mill parkway and 684.

    Otherwise you can sit for hours on the GW. I learnt this from those drives to Piscataway Emoticon

  2. NatesDad
    March 9, 2008 | 7:42 am

    If you had the GPS, Molly could ask it Why? Glad to see you are taking the “smart” route and avoiding I-84 as much as possible. You could even avoid 95 by taking the Merrit.

  3. Gia Lyons
    March 10, 2008 | 10:21 am

    Mitch, I didn’t know you had a “why why why” generator, too! My daughter will be 4 this June… Have a great trip!

  4. Simon Scullion
    March 18, 2008 | 6:55 am

    I didn’t realise the “why?” phase lasted so long! My daughter is two and a bit, and already questioning everything! Emoticon