Quickr Hotfix Installer

For those following Quickr you know that Hotfixes are a regular occurence (my opinion on the frequency of Hotfixes can be read here).  One of the biggest complaints is that until now the process to install a hotfix was manually copying files into many different directories making it a time consuming process and one prone to error.  Well good news, starting with Quickr HF 19 which is due out imminently there is a Hotfix Installer (for Windows only). The Hotfix is contained in a Jar file, which is placed in the lotusdominojvmlibext directory on the server, and the server needs to have Java 1.5 or later installed.  The other requirement is to make sure your Domino program directory is in the system path.  Once you have this done simply click the Jar file or from a command prompt run “java – jar HF##.jar” like magic the installer creates a backup of the original files and installs the hotfix A picture named M2 A picture named M3 A picture named M4 You still need to run the qptool commands to unlock and upgrade places as in previous hotfixes. Thanks IBM nice job!  

12 Responses to Quickr Hotfix Installer
  1. Keith Brooks
    August 7, 2008 | 12:10 pm

    Cheers all around and about time too!

  2. Chris Whisonant
    August 7, 2008 | 12:10 pm

    Kudos to IBM!!! Can’t wait to see this in action!

  3. Stuart McIntyre
    August 7, 2008 | 12:13 pm

    Excellent news, but Windows only??

  4. Peter Griffin
    August 7, 2008 | 1:01 pm

    Yeah, the HotFix process was getting to be a little much.

    AIX support is coming next.

    Thanks for the feedback Emoticon

  5. Craig Wiseman
    August 7, 2008 | 1:10 pm

    Do you know if this means “apply 1-18 manually” and then 19+ will have installers? Or will there be a rollup?

  6. Ron
    August 7, 2008 | 1:29 pm

    Hotfix 19+ is all inclusive just like previous hotfixes.

  7. Erik the Red
    August 7, 2008 | 1:39 pm

    what do you mean by apply 1-18 manually?
    Are you asking if you would need to apply 1-18 manually and then use the installer moving forward?

    The hot fixes delivered are cummulative. So installing 19 will install the other hot fix files as well.

  8. Craig Wiseman
    August 7, 2008 | 5:42 pm

    Well, duh (me).
    It’s always good to look silly in public. 😎

    Thanks for the info!

  9. Rob Novak
    August 13, 2008 | 3:45 pm

    IBM has managed to confuse more people than usual with the hotfixes for Quickr. You’ve always been able to just overlay all your files with each one. They wrote the doc, however, as if you would only want to install some files. For instance if you had hotfix 6 and just downloaded hotfix 17, they wanted you to read through a giant table and figure out how to only copy over files from hotfixes 7-17.

    Not the case. You can always overwrite everything with each hotfix. In fact that is exactly what the installer does.

    This is why I never understood the fuss about how hard people were saying it was to install hotfixes – I never read the wrong bits, and always overwrote, so each hotfix only took me 2 minutes to install!

    The installer is a step forward – but it does need more QA. I’m at a 50% success rate with it right now.


  10. Erik the Red
    August 13, 2008 | 5:59 pm

    Hi Rob,

    Have you contacted the Quickplace team about this?

    I am sure that they would like to have your feedback.

  11. sbs başvuruları nasıl yapılır
    December 6, 2008 | 3:57 pm

    this article is useful for me. thanks too much.

  12. Ygs Lys
    September 19, 2009 | 7:24 am

    This is why I never understood the fuss about how hard people were saying it was to install hotfixes – I never read the wrong bits, and always overwrote, so each hotfix only took me 2 minutes to install!