Category Archives: iphone

What is your J-Score?

One of the apps that I installed on my new phone is Carat

Carat is a research project that aims to detect energy bugs—app behavior that is consuming energy unnecessarily—using data collected from a community of mobile devices. After running Carat for about a week, you will start to receive personalized recommendations for improving your battery life. We are based out of the AMP Lab in the EECS Department at UC Berkeley, collaborating with the University of Helsinki











If you are running Carat or decide to install it leave a comment with your device, OS and J-score I am interested to see how different devices stack up.

Carat for iOS

Carat for Android


How to use an iPhone or iPad to Celebrate the Jewish New year

Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) begins tomorrow evening at sundown.  One of the most common customs on Rosh Hashanah is to eat Apples dipped in Honey, as a symbol for a sweet new year.  Here is a new twist on an old custom.

The Missing iPhone 5

I am not a Pessimist

I have always been an optimistic person, my favorite ice cream is Mint Chocolate Chip, I don’t think I am an introvert, I have visited more than five countries, I refuse to use Yahoo Mail (but that is a whole different story).  I just happen to prefer my Android phone over an iPhone.


Really who makes this stuff up?

Techcrunch: Androids Are For Cheap Pessimists, iPhones Are For Worldly Optimists

Yeah Right

10 Hours sounds good, but Apple does seem to have a way of overstating these things A picture named M2 Image from Mashable I have an iPhone 3G according to Apples device specifications this is the battery life I should get, I find these numbers to way overstated from reality. So I find the 10 hour number hard to believe. A picture named M3

The iPhone App Store Approval Process Makes Less Sense Every Day

Those of you who read my blog or follow me on Twitter know by now that I use Google Voice and am frustrated by Apples rejection of the Google Voice App for the iPhone. In their response to the FCC inquiry on the matter Apple states

The application has not been approved because, as submitted for review, it appears to alter the iPhone’s distinctive user experience by replacing the iPhone’s core mobile telephone functionality and Apple user interface with its own user interface for telephone calls, text messaging and voicemail.

Today Vonage announced the availability of Apps for their service for Blackberry, iPhone and iTouch devices.

The iPhone and iPod touch downloads will allow users to make unlimited Vonage Mobile calls in the U.S. over Wi-Fi without using up cell phone minutes. The BlackBerry and iPhone app also run on your existing cellular network, which will eat up minutes.

I checked the App Store, and indeed the Vonage application is available for download.   Vonage Application iTunes link So I ask you to explain to me how a Google Voice app would “alter the iPhone’s distinctive user experience by replacing the iPhone’s core mobile telephone functionality” but using Vonage to make calls from an iPhone does not! Vonage Unveils iPhone, iPod touch, BlackBerry Apps

Google (and other) Challenges to the iPhone

Perhaps the Best New Feature in TweetDeck 1.1.1 for the iPhone

Yesterday the Tweetdeck 1.1.1 iPhone update appeared in the App Store loaded with new features including -Support for Facebook -Full Landscape mode support -Video uploads (for iPhone 3Gs) Integration -Ability to save a draft of a Tweet -Add Location to Tweets and more But here is my favorite when you send a Tweet you have the option to send it in the background A picture named M2 don’t get too excited you still need to leave TweetDeck open to allow the send to complete but if you reply to a Tweet you can go back and read more Tweets while it is sending. TweetDeck video of New Features

Domino 8.5.1+Travler+iPhone and the one iPhone problem IBM can not solve

So it is no secret by now that the Beta release of Traveler in 8.5.1 supports the iPhone.  Currently it has only been released to the Design Partner program and is under NDA but I can tell you after setting it up today I now have my mail, calendar and contacts on the iPhone and love it. The only problem I see so far is one that IBM can’t solve for me.  The iPhone has never had great battery life (and having previously discussed my paranoia with battery life, and the ways that I combat it I I assure you that the iPhone battery life is just bad it’s not me).  Today after enabling push mail via Traveler the battery really wore down quickly, no way I would make it through a full day with a few phone calls thrown in. For a while now I have been using both the iPhone and the Blackberry Storm, with Traveler support I could easily see myself using just the iPhone, except for the battery life issue. Nice job on the Traveler support by IBM, now maybe Apple can do something about the battery life in the iPhone.

Cut and Paste coming to iPhone?

This would be a really nice addition to the iPhone                             
Cut and Paste for iPhone from Cali Lewis on Vimeo.