Category Archives: LS10

Live Blogging: KEY105 LotusLive and Lotus Saas Strategy

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Lotusphere 2010 Day 2 Recap

A very busy Monday at Lotusphere, lots of live blogging, which I really have not had a chance to review yet, I hope it made some sense, and helped people follow along.  Either way two more keynotes and two more live blogs tomorrow morning here and over on the live site.   A few thoughts on the day OGS Since William Shatner finally was the OGS speaker who is everyone going to guess for next year? The OGS took a really different shape this year from years past.  Instead of seeing each of the product groups take their turn on stage we saw all the demos done moderated by Jeff Schick and Kevin Cavanaugh.  LotusLive took center stage at the OGS, and the hybrid model of connecting on premise solutions and cloud based ones together got a lot of time and attention.  All this led up to the Project Vulcan announcement at the end of the OGS. A few words on Vulcan, it is not a product, it does not have a ship date, it is not Notes 9 (nor does it replace Notes 9 or whatever they call it next).  It is a vision, and a strategy for the future of collaboration tools, and the evolution of the tools in to an open and extensible platform.  The vision showed this morning shows that Lotus understands the need to make all of their products and services work seamlessly together while also easily allowing other applications to integrate as well.  I think there is a really good story here, and I for one am interested to see more details as they start to develop the concepts in more detail. The announcement of Android support is very welcome, and Lotus will be developing Mail and Calendar applications for the Android platform in order to fully support it.  The availability of an iPhone app to support encrypted mail on the iphone is also a welcome announcement.  Not announced at the OGS, but Traveler FP1 shipped today adding support for Calendar Invitations on the iPhone – More very welcome news. There is a lot more to talk about from the OGS, and I will get to it in the coming days. Keynotes and there were lots of them! You can visit my live blog entries for the details, with the exception of Ed & Kevins Notes & Domino (and Protector, Alloy etc) session, I found them to be very heavy on customer stories, and light on future plans and demos.  I don’t think this reflects the lack of plans or software demos, I think the customer stories fit better with the Collaboration Agenda theme.  That said I would have liked to see more product futures detail today in the keynotes.   Tomorrow morning the  LotusLive/Cloud Computing and App Dev keynotes will take place follow them here or on my live site.     Next was off to the Blogger Fireside Chat with Alistair Rennie, Bob Picciano, Mike Rhodin Nathan typed as fast as he could and got most of it down, always nice to see how the Lotus execs take the time out to have these open and honest conversations with the bloggers. Bunch of receptions to wrap up the day and now it is time for some sleep before we do it all again tomorrow.

Live Blogging: KEY102 The Future of Unified Communications and Collaboration

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Lotusphere 2010 Transition of Power


Live Blogging: KEY104 IBM Lotus Notes and Domino: Strategy and Future Directions

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Live Blogging: Opening General Session

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Lotusphere 2010 Day 1 Recap

Today really flew by, a very different Jumpstart day for me then in past years.  In the past on Jumpstart Sunday I have always tried to get to a session or two that was different then I have worked on, for example last year I made it to sessions on xPages, and another on Javascript.  This year it was not to be.  I started out the day in JMP205 Installing Lotus Connections.  From there Adrian Spender and I finally had the chance to run through our session in person.  Much easier then our remote practice sessions.   The run through was a success and we seem to be in good shape for SHOW303 on Wednesday. The afternoon was spent in the LotusLive Customer and Partner meeting, not much else I can really say about that now. The weather cooperated for the opening reception tonight, best weather I remember for an opening reception in a few years now.  For any of you Back to the Future fans out there the Delorean (and Doc Brown) were hanging out at the party this evening CIMG3635 After the reception while hanging out in the Dolphin Lobby I ran in to these two guys CIMG3647 and recorded a couple of minutes with them for the Taking Notes podcast. As always great to see everyone, and especially getting to meet up in real life with many from the twitterverse. Looking forward to tomorrow morning Opening General Session (which will be live blogged here), and the other keynotes throughout the day tomorrow.  Now time for a little sleep.

How to find or follow me at #ls10

All the details on where I will be, and more importantly how to find or follow me at Lotusphere. To follow all my activity at Lotusphere here are the key links My blog – check out my scheduled live blog of OGS & Keynotes twitter: curiousmitch brightkite: curiousmitch flickr: curiousmitch friendfeed: curiousmitch Want to see all the content in one place check out my new lifestream site still a little finishing up needed, but the home page will provide a nice aggregated view of all my content. If we happen to cross paths I will be armed with my Poken so if you have one lets use them to connect. If you are looking for me I will be using the IdoCheckin system via Brightkite to update my location, if you have not yet looked at IdoCheckin here are some relevant links IdoCheckin returns for Lotusphere 2010 #ls10 – Announcement IdoCheckin checkpoints for Lotusphere 2010 #ls10 How to add friends quickly with BrightKite for IdoCheckin #ls10 Finally remember to head over to BrightKite and check your notification settings or you might receive a few more SMS or e-mail messages then you really want to. My Session Wednesday 4:30-6:15 SHOW303 Putting *Sparkle* in Your Social Applications! Customization and Branding with the New IBM Lotus Connections 2.5 See you in Orlando!

Will You Recognize the People You Follow on Twitter @ #ls10? Try

A couple of weeks back I posted A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, today along with my friend @jerseyschorr I am happy to announce the beta launch of  What is

Did you ever meet one of your Twitter friends in real life and have trouble putting their name, face and Twitter name together? is here to help with that! Generate a printable contact sheet for your twitter following. Take it with you to conferences and tweetups. Never have another “who is that over there” embarrassing moment. Plan ahead and recognize your contacts.

We also provide the option to remove people you follow that do not have a photo from your contact sheet, to make it as compact and useful as possible. A picture named M2 We are still working on the known issues list, and have some future plans to extend the functionality both for Twitter, and to other Social Networks, but wanted to launch in beta before Lotusphere. Please give it a try and feedback is certainly welcome! Who Do you Recognize?

SHOW303 Now Including Q&A Live via Twitter!

Adrian Spender and I will be presenting  SHOW303 Putting *Sparkle* in Your Social Applications! Customization and Branding with the New IBM Lotus Connections 2.5.   Adrian has a nice write up on his Blog with some more detail on what to expect from our session. In addition we were approached last week by some of the fine folks who manage the event, and while we are still working out the details we will be hosting a Live Q&A via Twitter during our session.