Who ya gonna call?

NEW YORK – Something strange going on in your neighborhood? You may want to give Brooklyn Ghost Investigations a call. For an hour, the group of self-proclaimed paranormal investigators offers to go to your house to help chase away whatever goes bump in the night.

A picture named M2 I don’t know I lived in Brooklyn for almost 30 years, I never saw any ghosts, according to the article they have one client.  NYC ghost investigators just a call away

Lotus Connections Requirements and Architecture – Part 3 Installing Lotus Connections

Well after a much longer delay then I planned on here is part 3 Installing Lotus Connections. Just to review in Part 1 I covered overall considerations for a Connections deployment, followed by Part 2 on considerations for installing and configuring WAS,  now I will cover considerations specific to installing  Lotus Connections. First a checklist of items that should be completed before installing Lotus Connections 1. WAS + Required Fixes installed 2. WAS Profiles or JVM Processes created 3. Federated Repositories configured (if multiple profiles for each one) 4. Databases created 5. Profiles Database populated. (More on TDI coming later in Part 4) Most of the data for Lotus Connections is stored in the Database, however each Connections service uses disk space to store indexes and other files.  If you are installing in a Network Deployment, the file system needs to be shared between the nodes where the service is installed.  This chart from the Hardware Requirements section in the Lotus Connections Infocenter details the requirements for each service, obviously you need to adjust these numbers for the number of users and anticipated usage in your environment A picture named M2 Now on to the installation itself, each service is installed on it’s own, this allows you to select which ones you want installed, and into which profile they should be installed, so if you are installing all five services you will be running the install five times. If you want to save your response file make sure to check the box, in addition if you are installing multiple services on one machine each install will overwrite the response file unless you change the name from the default which is InstallResponse.txt.  If you plan on clustering you can use the response file to perform a silent install on the second node. A picture named M3 Next select the feature to install, you can only install one at a time. A picture named M4 Next select the Websphere Application Server to install to, you will most likely only have one instance per machine. A picture named M5 Next select the WAS Profile to install the Connections service to, here you can see why creating custom profiles and naming them to match the service names will make things much simpler, as it will be easier to remember that Dogear is installed to the dogear profile as opposed to AppSrv01 for example A picture named M6 Next enter the FQDN of the WAS Server (it will auto populate this field for you from the host name, make sure this name is resolvable in DNS A picture named M7 Next up you need to provide the information for you Database A picture named M8 This is the DB2 screen, you will need the JDBC driver library, you can either install the DB2 client, or simply copy the :IBMSQLLIBjava over from the DB2 server.  The database name will be filled in automatically with the correct name for the feature.    Make sure you can resolve the hostname of your database server, and specify a user ID and Password that has rights to the database. A picture named M9 This is the database configuration for Oracle.  I am just starting to test Connections with Oracle so not much to say here right now, though basically the same information, A picture named M10 (yes there is a screen for MS SQL as the database as well, but I have not worked with it at all, and don’t really have plans to) The next screen will prompt you for the location of the file systems for the data that is stored on disk and not in the database, the example here is from a Dogear install, but each feature will have this step. A picture named M11 Finally you need to confirm the FQDN, and ports, this will become the URL that the service is accessed on (until you map it to an HTTP Server).  Remember each profile you create has it’s own port values, this will be detected and filled in automatically but you should make sure it matches what you recorded when you created the profiles. A picture named M12 If all goes well you should see the Installation was successful message.  You can now start the WAS Profile, and access the feature you just installed.   In this example we installed Dogear which would be accessed via http://host.domain:9081/dogear.  Once you configure and map the HTTP Server you will be able to access the feature without including a port number in the URL. If you have followed all the pre-installation steps, the install itself is pretty smooth.   I am now installing Oracle so I can begin testing Lotus Connections with Oracle as the database, up till now I have been working with DB2, but the plan for production is to use Oracle.  Another new learning experience for me. More coming on TDI, and I will report back on my adventures with Oracle.  

IBM announces Services for Collaboration

Just caught this press release from IBM announcing “Enterprise Adaptability services”

With Enterprise Adaptability companies can learn how to embed Web 2.0 technologies into the fabric of business operations, allowing employees, partners and customers to communicate, establish new business relationships and make real-time decisions within the context of their everyday work.

Enterprise Adaptability combines industry-leading software from IBM Lotus Software and FileNet with consulting expertise from IBM Global Business Services’ Human Capital Management practice.

So I suppose the software involved is Connections, Quickr, Filenet, and I would guess Atlas would be in there as well. I would guess there is a good market for this business as more organizations look for help in their adoption of Social Networking systems.  I am very interested to see where Social Networking components are embedded in business processes, this is almost the inverse of the Atlantic project which is bringing business processes to the Collaboration tools.  So which way are we going?  Which way should we go?  I suspect over time it will be a little bit of both. IBM Announces Services for Collaboration

How many days are in February?

Apparently it is a tough question if you are running Exchange 2007

Call it the 2-29 bug. Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 e-mail and messaging server was hit with a leap year glitch on Friday that prevented administrators from installing the program, setting up new mailboxes in existing Exchange instances, or making other configuration changes

Exchange Server 2007 Bitten By Leap Year Bug

This story does not have a happy ending…… and how stupid is my town

Disclaimer – this story does not end well for the deer so proceed with caution.

When I arrived home this evening I was informed I was told there was a deer in my backyard sitting and eating. Now deer sightings are rather common by my house (along with wild Turkeys, rabbits, ground-hogs, and others which is kind of fascinating for a guy who grew up in Brooklyn), but they rarely are sitting and don’t usually stay in one place for long so I suspected it was injured. I stepped out on the patio, the deer tried to stand but obviously could not.

I called the towns animal control hotline, they dispatched an “Animal Control Officer” who informed me the deer had been hit by a car, and it’s hind legs were broken. The procedure apparently is to call the police who will come and euthanize the deer.

Now I really had no problem with the plan so far, first of all the animal was obviously in pain and frightened, second of all we clearly have to many of them around here since there is a plan in place to reduce the deer population which ironically ends tomorrow.

Now here is where they lost me, the police will carry out the act of euthanizing the animal, then animal control will drag the animal in front of my house AND LEAVE IT THERE, but don’t worry most likely the Public Works department will show up some time tomorrow and remove it.

First of all, is it really appropriate to just leave it there on the street for all to see. Second of all this is not exactly the sight I need to greet my four year old daughter when we leave for school in the morning (distracting a four year old while all this transpired is a whole different story, but we pulled that off). Well it was too late in the day to get anyone else from the town involved, though I tried, so they carried out their brilliant plan.

Fortunately the snow pile is big enough that it is not really visible from the house window, but I have received some curious calls from the neighbors. I suspect I will be speaking to the mayors office tomorrow.

OK I promise back to writing about Lotus Connections/TDI tomorrow just thought I would share the events of the evening.

Broken Scaphoid Update

Today I went to a hand specialist for a second opinion.  The good news, I am not getting the case pictured here, the hopefully even better news is for now no surgery either.  They made a custom splint for my hand, which is not really as comfortable as the one I have had for the last couple of weeks, but is better designed to allow the injury to heal, and can be removed occasionally.  In general I can still type with my left hand, but my left thumb can not get anywhere near the keyboard.  So here is what the hand looks like now A picture named M2 It will be like this for the next two weeks, then I see the doctor again.

Linkedin goes Mobile

Linked in has gone mobile you can access it’s mobile site at http://mobile.linkedin.com

As part of a beta release, LinkedIn this week became available on various Web-enabled mobile devices, allowing members to search profiles with photos and bios, make introductions, invite people to join a network, and receive updates while on the go, said LinkedIn.

Social Network LinkedIn Goes Mobile

This one is much closer to home

A few months back I found this story on GPS Navigation, today I spotted this one, which is about 10 miles from my house

SECAUCUS, N.J. – Modern technology is steering some drivers the wrong way in northern New Jersey. Truck drivers using GPS devices and online directions to reach an industrial section of Secaucus are reaching only a road block on Fifth Street. The electronic maps don’t show a gate that separates the residential and industrial areas. It’s only open for a couple hours weekdays.

I don’t currently own a GPS, but I have been thinking about one for a while now, especially after last week when I spent twenty minutes figuring out how to get to my destination which I could see, but was on the other side of a highway.  They are obviously not perfect, but will probably help 99% of the time,  GPS sends drivers to road block

Winter Fun

The Snow Blower is doing a terrific job A picture named M2 and I have  good help for the parts that need to be shoveled A picture named M3 Leaving lots of time to play in the snow A picture named M4

It’s like being at Lotusphere all over again… well less walking

Lotusphere DVD’s have arrvived.  Finally getting to “attend” a few sessions that I really wanted to, but could not get to.