2009 by the Numbers

Once again this year instead of year end wrap up post, I present 2009 by the numbers.


Blog by Month 2008-2009

January really skews the year with the blog output being more then double any other month of the year, but over all even with my increased use of Twitter (which we will cover next) output on my blog remained consistent with 2008.

Blog by Year 2008-2009


Tweets by Month 2008-2009

I can’t really explain the change in numbers in the last quarter of the year, I did not have a goal of tweeting more, it just seems to have happened.  I highly doubt January will be the month that reverses the trend. There is simply no comparison between my Twitter usage in 2008 vs 2009

Tweets by Year 2008-2009

Twitter Statistics are provided via TweetStats (I don’t want you to think I sat and counted every Tweet )


I think by now you all know that I like to take pictures, I almost always have a camera with me, these are photos taken with an actual camera, I keep my pictures taken on my mobile devices separately.

Photos Taken by Month 2008-2009 Photos Taken by Year 2008-2009

I know that is a lot of pictures, they are all well organized, and backed up, many of them do get shared on twitpic, Facebook, and lately I have been using Posterous as well for some sharing.

Hospital Visits (a.k.a the joys of parenting)

This is the only category I really care about, and would seriously like to see this trend reversed in 2010!!

Hospital Visits by Year 2008-2009

2009 visits include  Jack’s two hospitalization’s while we sorted out his Seizures (they are Febrile and harmless to him and now that we understand them don’t wind up in the hospital and fortunately they have been few and far between).  Jack’s 48 hour EEG to come to the aforementioned conclusion, Jacks Asthma / possibly Pneumonia hospital visit, and his surgery to have tubes put in his ears.  Abe only scored one emergency room visit after his run in with a wall.  It’s a good thing I didn’t keep track of all of our pediatrician visits this year, that chart might not have fit!  2008 was much simpler we went to the hospital once, and that was for Abe and Jack to be born, a much more pleasant experience.

Wrapping Up   So that is 2009 by the numbers, looking forward to what 2010 will bring.  Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy 2010, and I will see many of you in two weeks in Orlando for Lotusphere!

All of the charts in this post were created using the Google Chart API

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